Supply Chain Security
Given the increasing complexity of the CI/CD space, with projects that often have dozens or even hundreds of dependencies, the supply chain has become a common vector of attacks. Tekton Chains is a security-oriented part of the Tekton portfolio to help you mitigate security risks.
Tekton Chains is a tool to generate, store, and sign provenance for artifacts built with Tekton Pipelines. Provenance is metadata containing verifiable information about software artifacts, describing where, when and how something is built.
How to secure your Supply Chain
Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) provides a set of guidelines you can follow to make your software more secure. SLSA is organized into a series of levels, where level 4 represents the ideal state. Go to for more information.
Tekton Chains implements the SLSA guidelines to help you accomplish SLSA level 2, by documenting the build process in a tamper resistant format.
How does Tekton Chains work?
Tekton Chains works by deploying a controller that runs in the background and monitors TaskRuns. While Tekton Pipelines executes your Tasks, Tekton Chains watches the operation, once the operation is successfully completed, the Chains controller generates the provenance for the artifacts produced.
The provenance records the inputs of your Tasks: source repositories, branches, other artifacts; and the outputs: container images, packages, etc. This information is recorded as in-toto metadata and signed. You can store the keys to sign the provenance in a Kubernetes secret or by using a supported key management system: GCP, AWS, Azure, or Vault. You can then upload the provenance to a specified location. Getting To SLSA Level 2 with Tekton and Tekton Chains on the Google Open Source Blog provides more details.
Where can I try it?
- For a hands-on experience, follow the Getting started with Tekton Chains tutorial.
- Check the examples available on the Chain repository.
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